Saturday, March 22, 2008


The anniversary of ridiculosity. A couple hundred strong near the steps of City Hall to commemorate five years at war, if you don't count Afghanistan. What was I thinking?

A fine specimen looking on from the lower left... if to say, Get me out, please...


Unknown said...

The War is ridiculous! Protesting is ridiculous! This works on so many levels in our fucked-up nation! Fantastic!

"God bless America. Let's save some of it."

- Edward Abbey

Eba said...

When invited to an anti-war rally, Mother Teresa (God rest her soul) declined, but said that if someone would organize a peace rally, she would attend. I reckon she was on to something.

Here's to another five years!

It was tough going, but I managed to watch all four-and-a-half minutes of it; I would imagine most people wouldn't be able to stomach it. God bless America indeed.
